Artificial intelligence (AI) will have a significant role in making optical networks more scalable, affordable, and sustainable. It can gather information from devices across the optical network to identify patterns and make decisions independently without human input.

Optical transceivers are crucial in developing better AI systems by facilitating the rapid, reliable data transmission these systems need to do their jobs. High-speed, high-bandwidth connections are essential to interconnect data centers and supercomputers that host AI systems and allow them to analyze a massive volume of data.

  1. DGX H100 OSPF-RHS Ports: The DGX H100 OSPF-RHS boasts 2x400G ports, effectively constituting a 400Gbps connection.​
  2. Mainstream Adoption: Anticipating the industry trend, we foresee 400G DR4 connections becoming mainstream. This choice aligns with optimal connection distance and cost-effectiveness.​
  3. Advantages of 400G FR4: Leveraging a simplified infrastructure, 400G FR4 requires only a pair of SMFs, resulting in reduced wiring costs. However, it’s essential to note that the higher cost of optical transceivers limits FR4 deployment to scenarios with shorter wiring spans, typically within the same floor.


Wavesplitter’s optical transceivers are essential for facilitating the development of artificial intelligence-based edge computing, which entails relocating compute resources to the network’s periphery. 400 Gbps links are becoming the standard across data center interconnects, but providers are already considering the next steps.


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