Stakeholder communication

[Conflict Minerals Management]

Our program seeks to ensure that our products do not contain metals derived from conflict minerals. As a member of the Responsible Minerals Initiative (RMI), Wavesplitter collaborates with customers, suppliers, peers and other stakeholders to promote responsible mineral sourcing.

“Conflict Mineral” indicates rare precious metal minerals such as gold (Au), tin (Tin), tantalum (Ta), tungsten (W), Cobalt (Co) and Mica which are from Democratic Republic of the Congo and neighboring countries. Local illegal armed or military groups in order to obtain the benefits of inhumane mining work, so international resistance to the use of conflict minerals for personal gain behavior. In response to international regulations regarding conflicting minerals, Wavesplitter is complying with the laws and regulations governing conflict minerals (Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act Section 1502 and OECD Due Diligence Guidance).

Wavesplitter clearly communicates to suppliers not to use from the minerals which are armed conflict, illegal mining and mining in terrible working conditions, the so-called “conflict minerals.” It also requires suppliers to supply Wavesplitter’s products without using the above mentioned “Conflict Minerals” and continuing to carry out a due diligence investigation of existing suppliers’ conflicting minerals in order to enhance the transparency of smelter and refinery information, and expect the entire supply chain to be self- Constraints of action, can have some positive impact on this issue.


[Labor and Human Rights Policy]

WaveSplitter, which strives to create a dignified work environment and regards the universal value of respecting human rights as the core value of running a business, requires its supply chain partners to adhere to the same standards. WaveSplitter supports the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) and is committed to an understanding of international human rights standards which include the “International Bill of Human Rights”, “the International Labor Organization – Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work”, “the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGPs)”, “the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises”, and “the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC)”, and will act in a manner consistent with the Responsible Business Alliance (RBA) Code of Conduct by treating all people with dignity and respect.
Respect the freedom of employees, prohibit any form of forced labor, and do not accept the use of forced labor by any supplier or subcontractor. All work is voluntary, and employees, in accordance with the law, are free to leave or terminate their employment with reasonable notice.
No child labor will be used, and no supplier or subcontractor will be accepted for child labor. All workers under 18 years old will not be allowed to perform potentially hazardous work, and night work which could interfere with their educational needs will be prohibited.
Overtime work must be voluntary. We are committed to complying with local regulations governing working hours, vacations, and legal holidays. Employees should be allowed at least one day off from work in each seven-day week.
Provide reasonable wages and benefits that meet at least the basic needs of employees. Prohibit wage deductions as a means of disciplinary action.
Respect the basic human rights of employees and prohibit any form of degrading behavior which includes any form of sexual harassment, sexual abuse, physical punishment, mental or physical oppression, or verbal abuse as well as intimidating anyone into such behaviors. Relevant policies and preventive measures should be effectively communicated to employees.
Recruit, hire, train, reward, promote, terminate, retire, and provide other conditions of employment without discrimination against employees on the basis of race, skin color, religion, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, age, physical or mental disability, or other legally protected conditions. Committed to promoting diverse, inclusive, equal, and fair work environments and work opportunities.
Respect the right of employees to freedom of association and collective negotiation in accordance with local laws. The rights of employees to participate or not in trade unions, seek representation, and in labor committees shall all be respected.
Promote labor-management cooperation and respect employees’ opinions. Employees should be able to communicate openly with management about working conditions without fear of reprisals, threats, or harassment, and shall also be able to anonymously provide feedback.
Undertake responsible sourcing of minerals.
Create a safe and healthy working environment to help employees preserve their physical and mental health.
Regularly assess human rights risks and take effective remedial measures.
Commit to developing the potential of our employees and helping them grow.


[Environmental Protection Policy]

WaveSplitter is a research and development、production and sale company for professional optical communcation and professional audio-video products. The company’s main environmental impacts is waste materials. WaveSplitter, in holding true to its belief of coexisting with the earth, shall undertake and are committed to the fruition of the following environmental policies to achieve the spirit of pollution prevention and continuous improvement.
Through employee education and the implementation of ISO 14001, employees and those working on behalf of the organization are aware that environmental protection is everyone’s responsibility and obligation.
Reduce environmental impact by decreasing both air and water pollution and waste generation.
All products are designed and manufactured in strict compliance with applicable laws and regulations and other requirements that must be observed.
Set environmental goals for continuous improvement.
In achieving low-energy, low-pollution practices, factoring environmental takes product design into account.
And demonstrate environmental protection outcomes according to the following criteria
To help keep global warming to no more than 1.5°C, a carbon reduction goal which is to be established should be supported by scientific evidence.
Reducing waste and implementing systematic measures to identify, manage, reduce, and responsibly dispose of or recycle non-hazardous solid waste.
By reducing or eliminating the emissions of pollutants or waste production at the source, we should reduce the consumption of natural resources by reducing consumption or improving production, recycling, etc.
Chemicals and wastes that pose a hazard to humans or the environment should be effectively identified and managed to ensure their safe handling, transportation, storage, use, recycling, and disposal.
Volatile organic compounds, aerosols, corrosive substances, particulates, and ozone-depleting chemicals generated in the course of business shall be classified, routinely monitored, controlled, and disposed of in accordance with the law and requirements.
Prohibit or restrict the inclusion of specific substances in products, manufacturing processes, subsequent recycling and disposal labeling in accordance with laws, regulations, and customer requirements.
The necessary environmental permits, approvals and registration documents should be obtained, maintained and regularly updated in accordance with laws, regulations, and protocols.


[Energy Management Policy]

Based on its belief in coexistence with the earth, the Company is keenly aware of the planet’s limited resources and the significance of sustainable business development. Consequently, based on a consciousness of energy conservation and carbon reduction, the company continuously enhances the efficiency of energy use, reduces energy consumption in its production and operation activities, and implements the following commitments:
Implement an energy management system to meet customer energy requirements.
Adhere to energy-related regulations and prioritize the acquisition of energy-efficient goods.
Improve energy efficiency and reduce energy waste.
Implement energy conservation measures to fulfill corporate social responsibilities.
Promote the idea of energy conservation and practice the spirit of energy management.
The Company is committed to educating and informing all employees to help them comprehend and adhere to this policy, which can be made available to the public.

WaveSplitter © 2024 威世波股份有限公司